Remedios Varo
This is a reinterpretation of Remedios Varo's autobiographical triptych inspired by her childhood experiences at a religious boarding school. Her face appears almost imperceptible, and her changing gaze suggests that she was not hypnotised by religion. Her face appears alongside many other works in which she was the protagonist or to represent her state of mind.
Remedios Varo was a Spanish painter who lived in Mexico. From an early age she showed a passion for painting and entered the San Fernando Academy in Madrid, an academy where great artists such as Maruja Mallo and Dalí, who was expelled for misconduct, studied. Remedios worked on subjects ranging from psychoanalysis to alchemy, the mysticism of her works being influenced by Freud, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler. Her eagerness to show the opposite of logic in her art made her a member of the Logicofobists. This group was instrumental in the development of Surrealism in Spain along with the ADLAN group. Although Varo was a woman associated with surrealism, she cannot be judged under any "ism".

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